Lead Isotope Analysis

El cobre de Linares (Jaén) como elemento vinculado al comercio fenicio en El Calvari de El Molar (Tarragona) / Copper from Linares (Jaén) as a comercial item in the phoeniciam trade networks at El Calvari de El Molar (Tarragona)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Early Iron Age / Edad Del Hierro / Prehistoria / Archeometallurgy / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Lead Isotope Analysis / Arqueometalurgia / Prehistoria e Historia Antigua / Menga. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía / Early Iron Age / Edad Del Hierro / Prehistoria / Archeometallurgy / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Lead Isotope Analysis / Arqueometalurgia / Prehistoria e Historia Antigua / Menga. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía

Aprovechamiento de recursos cupríferos en la Edad del Bronce de Menorca: La mina de Sa Mitja Lluna (Illa den Colom)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Metallurgy / Menorca / Minorca / Edad Del Bronce / Ancient Mining and Metallurgy / Lead Isotope Analysis / Bronce Age (Archaeology) / Lead Isotope Analysis / Bronce Age (Archaeology)

Nuevos datos sobre la minería pre y protohistórica en Cataluña

Metalwork (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Mining / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Lead Isotope Analysis / Bronze Age Metalwork / Bronze Age Iberia

Plata argárica: producción y distribución

Prehistoric Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Silver / Early Bronze Age Archaeology / Argar Culture / Lead Isotope Analysis

Las necrópolis protohistóricas tumulares de Cataluña meridional: el ejemplo de Sebes (Flix, Tarragona)

Archaeology / Anthropology / Funerary Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iron Age / Radiocarbon Dating / Lead Isotope Analysis / Archaeology of death / Iberian Peninsula / Phoenician and Punic Amphorae / Ceramic Typology / Radiocarbon Dating / Lead Isotope Analysis / Archaeology of death / Iberian Peninsula / Phoenician and Punic Amphorae / Ceramic Typology


Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Lead Isotope Analysis / Prehistorical Mining and Metallurgy
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